Publisher’s Compass Through the Information Age

Unfound is a next-generation news platform designed by a team of educators, journalists, and data scientists. AI powered social listening for smarter, futuristic brands.

Over 40 aggrigators worldwide rely on Unfound

Deeper. Closer. Sharper.

Negative is a broad word. Go deeper.
Conversations are all over. Go closer.
Fraudsters are on a rise. Go sharper.


UnFound’s mini search engine is on a continuous search to help you monitor customer conversations and alerting you of any growing perception that is critical to the brand’s positioning. The search, bolstered by natural language understanding and natural language processing, works almost on a real-time basis. The Machine Learning techniques help us detect better every time.

Deeper. Closer. Sharper.

Negative is a broad word. Go deeper.
Conversations are all over. Go closer.
Fraudsters are on a rise. Go sharper.


UnFound’s mini search engine is on a continuous search to help you monitor customer conversations and alerting you of any growing perception that is critical to the brand’s positioning. The search, bolstered by natural language understanding and natural language processing, works almost on a real-time basis. The Machine Learning techniques help us detect better every time.

Deeper Social Media Monitoring

Unfound is a valuable tool for editors. We curate news relevant to your studies, ensuring editor encounter a variety of viewpoints often tested in context.

Deeper Social Media Monitoring

Only knowing positive and negative sentiments isn’t enough. Go deeper. Is your brand still perceived as what you really want your customers to perceive?

Online Scam Detection

Is someone duping my consumers with phishing links in my brands’ name? How can I prevent my users from being subject to such problems? Can I take actions against perpetrators?

Fight Impersonation

Has someone impersonated my key employee or my social media brand accounts? How do I take action against them?

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